Privacy Policy

This policy details what personal information is held by Invicta Touch Club and how that data is processed.


The Invicta Touch website does not store any information about visitors. This site does not use cookies.

Membership Data

Invicta Touch Club stores limited personal information about its members for the purposes of administering club membership and complying with insurance requirements. This information is limited to that which you provide via the online sign-up process when becoming a member.

  • Your payment information is stored and processed by our Direct Debit processing partner, GoCardless.
  • Your membership data unrelated to payments is stored securely by Airtable.
  • Access to membership data is strictly limited to committee members.
  • Membership data is not shared with any other parties.
  • Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) you have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you and to ensure that it is correct. Please direct any such enquiries to
  • Your membership data will be deleted within in 90 days of you ceasing to be a member of the club. You may request for it to be deleted sooner.